JUMPER Size 10
SKIRT Size 8
I haven’t worn tights since my Harrods days. Not that I hated working at Harrods because I didn’t, I did however hate being confined to a work space and being bossed around; tights remind me of these days and I think that’s why I avoid them. This is the entrepreneur in me, not hating tights but the fact I hated being confined working for others. I never call myself an entrepreneur because I feel you can’t justify yourself as one unless you have made yourself a huge sum of money, maybe enough to buy a million pound house outright. With that said I can not ignore the entrepreneur characteristics I have.
Whilst working at Harrods I remember having to sit a test (one of many for my job role) and the out come was to see what character you played in our team. I was the only one in my team that had the result of entrepreneur and that I should work for myself. Thanks Harrods for making me really see I was meant to work for myself. I also have Harrods to thank for my luxury brand knowledge, skills to deal with different cultures, understand and appreciate languages, I actually have Harrods to thank for a lot of my career. It’s a hard place to get into and once you’re there its very competitive but this set’s you up to tackle anything in the future.
Chelsea Styling is a successful company, I built it from scratch and we have over 500 clients internationally. My blog is also a business. A blog isn’t just about taking photos and looking at Instagrm; we have to negotiate collaborations, network, market ourselves and be creative. Not forgetting the hard work and determination. So I guess even though I haven’t made a million I should consider myself an entrepreneur and appreciate my own work. I have so much respect for all my blogger girls, they are all little business women and we bounce of each other.
Anyway this article isn’t about me promoting my company or boasting how great I think I am because I don’t think this. I actually never take a minute to appreciate what I have achieved because I am too busy focusing on what I haven’t achieved and what I need to do to reach the next goal. I wanted to focus on how you feel at work? Do you feel like you want to work for yourself? Do you feel like a natural leader? Do you feel like you have so many ideas they keep you awake up night? Do you feel like you never stop for second because you are always looking at what you can do next to earn money or do something special and great? These are all the feelings I had, so if you can relate to me you should fight for your dreams. If you try your upmost I promise you YOU WILL NOT FAIL.
I will share something with you that not many people know. I moved out of my family home when I was 19, I had to because my dad was terminally ill and I thought I would be stronger for my family if I lived away from how horrible it was. I moved two streets away so I was never far but from a young age I was determined and independent. I actually set up Chelsea Styling nine years ago (under another name.) This company failed. I didn’t believe in myself, I had no support because everyone was focused on my dad and quite frankly I was probably in experienced in my field. So if you fail it’s ok just learn from it, pick yourself up and try again like I did.
I focused the next six years in gaining experience at the best luxury department store in the world; Harrods. I then set up Chelsea Styling whilst working at Harrods and I started this blog. I had the best support form Paris; he is responsible for making me believe in myself and he told me if anything went wrong we would fix it together. He also helped me with the company accounts at first because it’s impossible to do every aspect of a business on your own. The company blew up in just three months which enabled me to focus more on my passion; this blog. My blog is still a working progress and I have barely achieved any of my blogging goals. I will not give up until I have reached them all.
My little sister also has an inspiration story. She has the same background as me, we didn’t come from much but I truly believe that has made us even more ambitious and driven. My sister Stevie left a great job in PR to follow her dreams of owning her own make up brand CA.K.E Cosmetics. Stevie’s USP (unique selling point) was to focus on inexpensive make up for dark skin tones, she had realised there was not much to offer on the UK market that focused on darker skin. She is working super hard to support herself and the inexpensive prices means she has small margins but this will be what makes her. I am so proud of her for not only following her dreams but also catering for a skin tone other than her own and making a small profit because this is her passion. To have a look at her brand C.A.K. E click here. I would also recommend the gold front eye shadow, it is the best on market, it’s so good it flies straight out the door as soon as it arrives in sock.
I hope this article has inspired you to fight for yours dreams. My life motto is “you can achieve anything if you try hard enough‘ I also believe “if you want something done, do it yourself” no one will bring you your dreams. If you have an idea RUN WITH IT, don’t tell anyone and just do it. It will be hard at first and you need determination and be prepared for late nights and stressful weekends. You need a USP to make your company run the test of time and you need to be original. If you are unique also be prepared for copy cats. I HATE NOTHING MORE THAN A COPY CAT, someone who steals others work/style and claims it as their own. Reading Girl Boss was surprisingly a great read because Sophia (founder of Nasty Gal) talks about a girl who copied her; how she dealt with it was inspiring to me. When I see this everyday in the blogging industry it amazes me that readers can not see what we (bloggers) can see, but with that said recently I have been reading comments from readers, you actually are starting to see it.
When you have your own business it never shuts off and you can never take your eye of the game. Two years ago I was in hospital for five days; I collapsed, blacked out and this was all because of exhaustion, I was working at Harrods and running two business. Now I look back and think yes that part was hard but look where I am now; I can do what I want when I want and I answer to no one but myself. This makes it all worth it. Maybe time manage better than me to ensure you don’t collapse.
Who would have thought talking about a pair of tights could get so deep. My articles usually start off like this; talking about what clothes represent and then getting deep. I really hope this inspires you to work hard and go chase your dreams.
So, are you an entrepreneur?
Oh and thank Em for letting me borrow your bag 😉
CC xx
Excellent article . Love it. Very inspired .. Well done to you and your sister for all your hard work and following your dream.. Great example on how you can come from nothing and making your way to the top.
Thanks Jerry. You star in today’s article, did you read it? x
Claire you are such an inspiration, I too had my own business a few years ago and it failed and I’ve been itching to start it up again as I’m exactly like you! It’s a risk but I know it will be worth it I just need to push myself that last bit to say yes, go for it! x
Go for it! Try you absolute best and if you fail again at least you know in yourself you tried your best and you couldn’t do no more. This is better than saying what if? x
Love this article! It was so inspiring to me to keep the belief in myself because sometimes it’s hard when there’s not much support around! would love to hear more experienced in starting up on your own! The first time you failed was it due to experience, contacts…or was it just timing!? Xx
It was down to a lot of things. I gained more experience which gave me more contacts and confidence. You have to know your market inside and out so I guess experience is everything. I would say also having someone you trust being behind you to support you is key too. xx