This gorgeous dress is by Nightcap Clothing, it is so flattering and I love the colour. It’s hard to find lilac dresses, I find lace girly dresses are always pink, black or white so it was nice to get some lilac in my wardrobe. Remember in one of my previous articles I told you to follow Spotted on Celeb’s instagram? Well the reason I got this dress was because of the instagram account. Flavia was wearing this dress on holiday and I thought it looked so amazing on her I had to have it. If I had seen this on the site I defiantly would not have bought it, it doesn’t look as good on the girl and on the website. This is why I love blogs because you can see what clothes look like on real girls in real locations. Thanks to Flavias Insta I found this beautiful dress so again I really recommend following her so you can spot some great finds like this one. Click here to buy this dress.